Daily Archives: May 24, 2013

Reflection on My Life (in Japan)

As I’ve written in the About Me section, content on my blog is not all about news. The only reason “news” comes before “my life” in the title of my blog is because it sounded better in that order. The first 3 days of blogging saw a lot of news updates, but I didn’t intend it that way.

Anyways, I had to stay at the office later than usual today. I usually don’t mind but there’s something inherently sad about working overtime on a Friday night. So it made me think about these past 2 years in Japan.

I haven’t traveled half as much or done half the things I had set out on doing when I left Canada. I don’t mean this as a rant about how miserable my life is (I’m in frickin’ Japan after all), but rather as an oath to my future self for all the things I still have to look forward to!
So this update will merely be about me and my life. An introspection, if you will.
Sorry for those who prefer news 😛

Let’s start with me.

I’m French Canadian. 32. I like poutine, Tim Hortons, Montreal-style bagels, peanut butter, ketchup-flavor potato chips and ice skating (which we just call “skating” cuz that’s the right way to do it). I work in Yokohama, Japan at a job I love together with wonderful people. BUT as it is contract-based, I know in the end, I’ll just be thrown out with the rest of the garbage, so I’ve found myself thinking about the next step in my life a lot lately.

I have been looking for a hobby in, like, forever. This predates my coming to Japan. I dabbled in drawing, learning languages, writing a book, writing a blog, making a short movie, playing sports, heck!, I even got involved in local politics. But I’ve never seen anything through to the end. I did draw a whole 15-page comic book years ago, but never finished inking it. My problem is that I lose interest in things too fast. It’s like I have ADD when it comes to hobbies. But I think I’ve found something: bass guitar!

I’ve been wanting to play the bass for years, but I never mustered the courage (or simply didn’t have the money) to go ahead with it. Now that my life is more or less stable, with a steady income and some savings, I’m thinking of buying a starter kit with headphones (cuz “Japanese walls”) and go for it. I’m open to suggestions in the comments.

I’ve also decided to climb Mount Fuji this summer. I’ll climb smaller mountains in the next few weeks to prepare myself for the big one. I can’t wait!

Although I mentioned that I never saw a project through as far as drawing is concerned, I started a little four-page project recently (*coughtwo-months-agocough*) and since it’s not moving very fast, mentioning it here with a promise to post it once finished should move things along enough for me to put the final touches on it 😉

What else? I’ve hit a plateau in my learning of Japanese. I keep mastering new (and mostly useless on a daily basis) vocabulary, but grammar has stopped improving… I’ll be the first to admit I’m not doing much to help myself… There’s an idea: I’ll incorporate posts about the language to this blog. Maybe that will boost my motivation.

Finally, although I intend on posting at least once a day, I may disappear for a few days at the end of next week because of work. Lots of events coming!!!

That’s it for now. Peace out!

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